GE IC695CRU320

The GE IC695CRU320 is a solid-state automation computer designed and built by GE Fanuc, specifically for the RX3i PACSystems platform. The following is detailed information about the product’s parameters, specifications, dimensions, weight, series, characteristics and functions: Parameters and specifications: CPU performance: The IC695CRU320 is a 1 GHz central processing unit with powerful processing power to…


The GE IS200TREGH1BDB is a PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) module designed for use in industrial automation applications. Here are the details: Product Name: GE IS200TREGH1BDB PLC Module Product Description: The IS200TREGH1BDB is a high-performance PLC module that provides advanced control and monitoring capabilities for industrial processes. It is designed to be versatile and reliable, making…

GE+IS220PAICH2A 336A4940CSP11

The GE IS220PAICH2A 336A4940CSP11 is a DCS (Distributed Control System) PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) module. Here’s some information about it: Product Name: GE IS220PAICH2A 336A4940CSP11 DCS PLC Module Product Description: The GE IS220PAICH2A 336A4940CSP11 DCS PLC Module is a high-performance, reliable control system component designed for use in industrial automation applications. It is built to…

GE+IS220PDIAH1A 336A4940CSP1

The GE IS220PDIAH1A 336A4940CSP1 is a digital input module used in GE’s RX3i series PLC systems. Product Name: GE IS220PDIAH1A 336A4940CSP1 Digital Input Module Product Description: The GE IS220PDIAH1A 336A4940CSP1 is a high-density digital input module designed to interface with various field devices and sensors in an industrial setting. It provides reliable digital input signals…


The GE IC698CRE030 is a General Electric (GE) RX3i series Remote Input/Output (I/O) module used in GE PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) systems. Such as GE C200H, C300, C400 and so on. This module is mainly used to expand the input and output capabilities of the PLC, connecting field devices such as sensors, actuators, etc. Key…


The GE VMIVME-7750 is a high-performance, VME-based programmable logic controller (PLC) module designed for industrial automation and control applications. Here are the details: Product Name: GE VMIVME-7750 PLC Module Product Description: The GE VMIVME-7750 is a rugged and reliable PLC module that provides real-time control and processing capabilities for a wide range of industrial systems.…

GE+RS-FS-9001 362A1052P404

The GE RS-FS-9001 362A1052P404 is a PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) module designed for industrial automation and control systems. Here are the requested details: Product Name: GE RS-FS-9001 362A1052P404 PLC Module Product Description: The GE RS-FS-9001 362A1052P404 PLC module is a high-performance, durable, and reliable control unit designed to provide advanced automation and control capabilities for…


The GE IS420UCSCH1A is a PLC (programmable logic controller) module used for various industrial automation applications. It is designed to provide control and monitoring functions for a wide range of equipment and systems. Product Name: GE IS420UCSCH1A PLC Module Product Description: The GE IS420UCSCH1A PLC module is a compact, reliable, and versatile control unit that…


The GE IS215UCVEM06A is a programmable logic controller (PLC) component or analog input module that is widely used in automated control systems such as power systems, manufacturing, building automation, water treatment equipment, transportation systems, etc. The following is a specific description of its parameters, specifications, dimensions, weight, series, characteristics and functions: Parameters and specifications: Supply…


Regarding the parameters, specifications, dimensions, weight, series, characteristics and functions of GE IS200BAIAHIB, based on the information available to me, the following overview can be provided: Parameters and specifications: Processing power: The GE IS200BAIAHIB has high processing power to meet the needs of complex control systems. Network communication capability: It has strong network communication capability,…