Parker Abex 425-1607

Product details:

Origin: USA

Brand name: Parker Abex

Model: 425-1607

Terms of payment and shipment:

Minimum order quantity: 1 piece

Packaging details: new factory and original factory, separate packaging

Delivery time: 2-3 working days

Payment method: telegraphic transfer, Western Union remittance

Supply capacity: 10+pieces

Phone: +86 15340683922
Sales:Wu Jiedong
Our products are guaranteed for 1 year, with new and original production stopped and imported spare parts.
All prices listed on the official website are subject to confirmation by contact: Wu Jiedong (manager).
Our product: brand new original packaging
Our warranty: All new or repaired parts have a 12 month warranty period beginning
Our payment: 100% telegraphic transfer of inventory items before shipment, conditions can be proposed!
If you have any downtime spare parts that you cannot find, please feel free to call or use email to contact me. If there are issues that the product cannot solve, please contact me. Product prices can be negotiated. Please do not consider contacting me!


Brand/manufacturer: Parker Abex

Manufacturer’s part number: 425-1607

Additional information: modules

Condition: new factory sealed – original

Availability: 1

Warranty period: 12 months

Shipping weight: 5 kg

Country of origin: United States

Contact: Wu Jiedong (manager)


WeChat: 15383514022


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With the deepening of China’s reform and opening up, foreign manufacturers have been optimistic about China’s market, and have set up their offices in China, and even set up their Asia-Pacific headquarters in China. Domestic enterprises have introduced foreign technologies in succession, thus promoting the establishment of a number of technology introduction enterprises and joint ventures, and driving the technological development of China’s programmable controller industry. It is gratifying that since the early 1990s, due to the continuous deepening of the application of programmable controllers, there has been a climax of independent research and development of programmable controllers in China. Although most of them are small programmable controllers and the batch size is small, their functions, quality and reliability have been significantly improved. Representative products such as JH200 of Nanjing Jiahua, with I/O of 12 to 120 points, have high-speed counter and analog quantity functions; The D20P of Hangzhou New Arrow Company has 12/8 I/O points, and the D100 I/O can be expanded from 40 points to 120 points; Lanzhou Quanzhi’s RD100 and RD200 have 9/4 points of I/O and 2 points of analog input, while the latter has 20~40 points of I/O. The expanded functions include speed measurement of coding disk, thermocouple temperature measurement and analog I/O, which can connect 32 RD200 and communicate with PC in real time. At the same time, medium-scale programmable controllers have also begun to appear in China. The STI2000 of the Shanghai Institute of Shipping and Transportation of the Ministry of Communications has 256 I/O points, and the I/O can reach 4096 points when multiple sets are connected; Hollias-PLC programmable controller developed and produced by Beijing Hollysys Co., Ltd., of which the typical products are digital I/O up to 1024 points, analog I/O up to 256 points, built-in TCP/IP communication interface, easy access to the management network, master station equipped with PROFIBUS-DP field bus, slave station and remote I/O, and the InterControl G3 small programmable controller system was launched with partners. In the case of a large number of foreign products, these products have the ability to compete with similar foreign products, which fully shows that the development of domestic programmable controllers has entered a new stage.

Phone: +86 15340683922
Sales:Wu Jiedong
Our products are guaranteed for 1 year, with new and original production stopped and imported spare parts.
All prices listed on the official website are subject to confirmation by contact: Wu Jiedong (manager).
Our product: brand new original packaging
Our warranty: All new or repaired parts have a 12 month warranty period beginning
Our payment: 100% telegraphic transfer of inventory items before shipment, conditions can be proposed!
If you have any downtime spare parts that you cannot find, please feel free to call or use email to contact me. If there are issues that the product cannot solve, please contact me. Product prices can be negotiated. Please do not consider contacting me!